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Etymologia: Internet est id compangen os Englisch internetting = "interconnecte netwehrgs".

Definition: Internet est un tienxia netwehrg om computers interconnex dank standardprotocols (TCP/IP) os datentransfer. Est uno netwehrgen netwehrg.

Sir Tim Berners-Lee (cropped)

Sir Timothy Berners-Lee (gnahn in 1955) est un Englisch ingenieur ed computermualim, gnohner ka inventor ios World Wide Web. Is kwohr un proposen pro un information management systeme in Mart 1989; inghi 1989, id CERN (Centre Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, quer T.Berners-Lee orbiet) eet id plautst internet node in Europe, ed Berners-Lee vis un waurmen kay yunges hypertexte ei internet. It parkwohr is id prest kamyaben communication inter un Hypertexte Transfer Protocol (HTTP) client ed un server via id internet in Mid-November ios sam yar. Id prest website gnahsit in id CERN. Quayque tod est un international organisation seddend in Schweiz, id bureau os Berners-Lee eet just ocolo id grance in France. Id diedw un explication de quo id World Wide Web eet, ed quosmed anghen ghohd nudes un browser ed enplace un web server. Berners-Lee ielgv id 2016 Turing Award "ob inventus id World Wide Web, id prest web browser, ed ia fundamental protocols ed algorithmes qua permitte ei Web antslehnke.

Ex Arpanet do id Web 2.0[]

Internet gnoht sien prest antslehnkens in-kap ia 1960tias dank paurskers ios Massachusetts Institute of Technology, bayna quens J.Licklider, quoy hant exmohnt id elaboration om informatic netwehrgs kay permehlde con mutu. Ira projects wauste in 1972 do id public presentation ios prest netwehrg : id Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (Arpanet). Ye id sam tid, un grupp om paurskers ambh P.Baran hat oistudyen pro id US Armee un systeme os datentransmission, bet tod remant in theoric stand, aun practic enover.

Id creation ios blixbrev, kathalika in 1972, buit oino iom prest applications os Arpanet. Sehkwnd etape consist id elaboration om standardprotocols, id Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), kay communie con computers exter tod netwehrg : est id apparition os internet, quodghi est uno netwehrgen netwehrg.

Unte ia 1980tias, id netwehrg antslehnct dank besonters id enservicen om staur informatic servers. Id tun bighyaht ei public ed ibs commercial entreprises.

Ia 1990tias sont un decisive etape in id popularisation os internet med id creation ios World Wide Web - "www", wa in Sambahsa WiswenWeb(h), ops oisnitto do "web" - : un hypertexte systeme quod permitt visite sites dank un browser. Buit tant success quem id webo biht frequent-ye confuden con internet, menxu id est tik oin idsen applications. Id web deulct sien kamyab ibs masse ed varietat om siena mathmouns; est facil-ye accessible ed ids neuders ghehde hatta cree ir wi site. Tod imkan lyehct in idpet kerd iom sites om social netwehrgs kam Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Viadeo... qua appareihnt in-kap ia 2000nts - Facebook, mathalan, biht creet ab M.Zuckerberg in 2004. Iro prabhil est folossie ia possibilitats os internet kay permitte im neuders permehlde con ir contacts. Also i abonnents iom social netwehrgs neti sont tik neuders, sontern semschi productors os mathmoun. Tod nov interactionenmodel est kalen id Web 2.0.


Ecrankip ex id Sambahsa Werdcreation Grupp. Pon September 2017, un Facebook grupp est nuden kay comchuses ia nov Sambahsa werds inter iens bahtors os Sambahsa, quoy gwive in different lands ed naiwo ghiet mutu in person.

Alat os Globalisation[]

Internet ed globalisation hant exspanso sammel ed ir historias sont intim-ye bohnden. Internet hat viden antslehnke oiks tom gigant multinational firmas kam ia US Yahoo, Facebook auti Google, qua sont staur actors os globalisation. Ta hant ornuwen ia fluxa qua gwiveihnt senter : sagvent, mathalan, meg suabrunges financialo globalisation kay offshore, hatta kehle ira profits do fiscal paradaysa quer payghent meg pau imposta.

Eti, tod sam financialo globalisation - tienxia capitalen fluxa sont nundiens penkwens mierer quem in 1990 - inter Terras major beursnodes, hat esen possiblihn ab id dematerialisation tom fluxen ed id neud om Internet technologias.

Id hat kathalika contribuen id antslehnken os culturalo globalisation. Con alya alats kam mobiltelephonia ed satellite television, internet hat permiss id crosct om informationsfluxa. Contribuiet akster-ye buwes id mundo tod "global village" describen ab iom Canadian sociolog M.MacLuhan in 1962. Globalisation yinjier seurciet ex un trit Industrial Revolution, idswo sulen ep tod revolution iom communications.

Tod dayi tehrpt lakin bihe nuancet. Idghi tienxia geographic internetsmyehren, mathalan, kwehct baygh inegal. Dien 31 December 2017[1], ia procentages em Internet neuders eent 48,7% in Asia, 17 % in Europe, 8,3% in Nord America, bet 10,9% in Africa, 10,5% in Latin America ed Caribe, 3,9% in Mediorient ed 0,7% in Oceania/Australia. Eti, Englisch est id baygh dominant bahsa ep id Net.

220px-Edward Snowden-2

Edward Snowden (gnahn in 1983) est un US computer professional ed prever Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employeit qui hat copiet ed leckiht sem classifiet information ex id National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013 aun autorisation. It hat is revelen kathire global surveillance programmes, maungs agen ab id NSA con id cooperation om telecommunication compagnies ed Europay gouvernements. Dien 21 Jun 2013, id US Department os Justice accusit Snowden ob violevs id Espionage Act 1917 ed klehptus gouvernemental vetat, sekwos-yod id Department of State revoquit eys passport. Dwo diens serter, is abpluk do Moskvas airport, yed ia Russian autoritats kieur eys passport hiebit batalascen ed is buit stetbohndt ei airport terminal unte meis quem oino munt. Russia ei vimohgh rect os asyle pro oinoyar, ed repetihn extensions ei permitte mane tiel ausst-ye 2020. Is nundiens gwivt semloc in Moskva ed naeiskwt asyle bi alya lands.

Alat os democratia au Big brother ?[]

Favorisend-ye id diffusion os information, internet ed ia social netwehrgs hant biht politic alats ed vectors os democratia. Unte ia arab revolutions, mathalan, besonters in Misr, i insurgents hant notable-ye folossien Twitter kay irsale fauran informations tem quem incitations ad gwahe demonstre. Ta democratic movments brunge id baygh mier popularitat tom netwehrgs - Facebook hieb 2,2 milliards em active neuders in Januar 2018 ed Twitter 330 millions in October 2017 -, kay dahe ad ir mutalbas un plaut echo ed trehve stehmen. Autoritaira regimes hant eti suaghaben id menace skipt ab internet pro ir magh. Lands kam China au Iran tente controle ids access, censure idsa mathmouns, eti propone concurrent netwehrgs kam Qzone ed Weibo, ia Chinese equivalents om Facebook ed Twitter.

Lakin, per alya aspects, internet ed social netwehrgs maghe yaschi kwehke kam uno menace pro democratia : bihnt besonters denuncet ka tienxia miersto "duilseug" om personal data. Internet major entreprises recupere un datenmasse dei internauts, qua ia neude inter alya kay place ia reclames quommed ia se finance. Sont eti suspect ob kehle in ira products sem functions kalen backdoors ("cauddwers") kay accedde ta personal informations.

In 2013, is CIA ex-agent E.Snowden hat revelen ei mund quosmed id National Security Agency spione ia informationenfluxa qua kwehle ep internet. Ex tod vidpoint, ia Uniet Stats os America, qua herbehrge id major part om netwehrgservers ed ia mierst entreprises tos sector, ed qua hant definihn ia standardprotocols qua rege id, xeihnt uno nedenegable vantage. Pro i civs, id challenge est ghehde protege ir personal data ep id net; itak biht tohrben sem druv education dayir id neud os internet.
