Sambahsa-mundialect Wiki

La Sape, un bragven begrundet ep id phrase Société des Ambianceurs et des Personnes Élégantes (societat em ambianceurs ed elegant persons) est un social movment centren in Brazzaville, id nagor ios Congo. Un adherent os La Sape est kalen un sapeur. Id movment incarnet id faynen in style ed maniers em colonial predecessor dandys ka wassila os resistance. I sont in walik contrast con le ambient in quod i gwivent.


La Sape ghehdt ses ighnuen tsay ad ia aus yars ios colonialisme in Africa, ed particular-ye in Brazzaville ed Kinshasa. Id franceois mission buit civilise i "yeamban" ed "nogw" african leuds. I bringheer usen povesti ab Europe ka un wesneihend alat kay gaisses id loyaltat im chefs. Brazzaville bihsit mox id "meist favorisen residential zone pro albhs ed id sedd ios colonial gouvernement". Ye id end ios 19º secule ir "dompwarns" buint i prest in glabe id europay modernitat ob im buit dahnt povesti instet denars ka buychaunken ob ir orbat. Id congolese elite ne inclus tik i "dompwarns" bet yaschi ti qui dohrj niter positions ka munschies in colonial bureaus ed alya places.

Un major influence ep id congolese elite, present unte ia 1920s, buit westafrican colonial orbaters qui gwohm do id Congo. Ti Bapopo au Caustmensci, kam i buint kalen, daugheer ka inspiration pro id congolese elite "kay combat inraudhen charges os inferioritat aykwen ad i" ab franceois ed belg colonialisme. Yun congolese wirs emeer id style om ir masters ed i kwohr id sien wi.

Cultural influences[]

Music artiste Solange tragit inspiration ab La Sape pro ays musicvideo "Losing you" slut ye october 2012. Id buit filmen in Cape Town, Sudafrica, ed Solange orbatit con iam director Melina Matsoukas pro skaue id "beauteit ed fascination im Le Sapeurs ios Congo".

In un intervyou con David M. Ewalt, media theoriste Henry Jenkins descriptit el traditional cosmopolitan ka semanghen quel antsalct id orbit os sien wi provincial culture per hog culture ed absorption iom kimatihs attachen ad tod culture. Tod includt luxes talg kam opera, ballet, pingen, etc. Lakin, el pop cosmopolitan est el moderne terwn. Is usit USA kay illustre tod point per terwns hoyd qui eucent, absorbent, ed interagent con maung facettes om asiat cultures ka wassila pro antsalge ia limitations ios american culture. I neudent id internet ed id technologia pro communie con alya cultures. Social netwehrgs sont un force dia id globalisation ed est tod connectivitat pet quod permitt id moderne globalisation mwaniene.

Sapeurs yaschi daugheer ka inspiration pro Gentlemen of Bacongo: The Importance of Being Elegant, un buk scriben ab iom italian photographer Daniele Tamagni. In id introduction ab Paul Goodwin, is sayct:

"Id est sammel un reversion ad ia colonial schemas os sulouk ed conditionment menxu ye id sam wakt id mehldt un postcolonial appropriation ios style ed iom maniers al master remixend-ye ia pro id hoydic societat ios spectacle".
